How To Build A Solid Working Team That Feels Like Family

Family, retreat, teamwork, solid team, family team, nicaragua, northen nicaragua, retreat, yoga, surf

With so many people reaching out on a daily basis looking to join the Salty Familia, we thought it would helpful to write a dedicated post about requirements and expectations we set for our team, in order to smoothly run the basis AND maintain close relationships. 

Because, let’s face it, we pretty much live together for 7 months out of the year. That’s A LOT of time to spend with your co-workers. Which is why it’s imperative that communication is clear, boundaries are firm, and we’re still able to work from the heart. 

Before we dive in, please remember that we provide short stay work/trade positions to photographers/videographers, content creators, and surf coaches

We have two live-in manager positions positions (salaried) that require you to speak fluent Spanish and the ability to commit to a 7-8 month contract. If you’d like to apply for any positions for next season, please email us.


This might seem like a given, but the lines can also get muddled from time to time given how closely we all live and work together. It’s important to remember boundaries between your personal life and work life when you’re on the clock. 

This means, if you’re having a bad day, you will have to “fake it til you make it” when you’re working with guests and coworkers. There’s also a clear boundary between our personal relationship with one another and our working relationship, which means not letting friendships alter the way we work together.

Clear Communication

Clear communication can solve just about any problem. It’s important that we are working with people who can communicate openly AND effectively with us (the owners), one another, and the guests. This means not only the words you speak, but also the way you communicate in writing emails and/or texts, as well as the way you communicate through body language.


Honesty is on the heels of clear communication, because it’s the truest form of clear communication. It’s also important to remember to respect the boundaries within the work space when honestly communicating your needs. 


We must all have respect for one another as coworkers AND as humans in order to cohabitate peacefully. Respect is not only applied across the board- whether you’re speaking to your boss, or someone you manage, respectful language and actions are an unwavering requirement for our living space. 

The few times we’ve let people go, it’s been because they were dishonest, or disrespectful to us (as owners) or one another. 


We’re looking for people who are able to be proactive with their position, rather than solely relying on directions from others. We have full teams for specific areas (kitchen, cleaning, virtual, managers, etc), so that one person isn’t pulled in a million directions and expected to do everything. 

However, if you see something isn’t working, or something is going awry, then have the proactive ability to nip it in the bud before it grows into a full blown problem. Take initiative within your role in order to succeed. 


This is huge, because although we have schedule for all of our employees, there’s also quite a bit of flexility within that schedule. This means you must have the ability to time manage your tasks, so that someone else doesn’t have to micro-manage you. 

No one likes to have someone breathing down their neck, and no one like to do the micro-managing! In order to avoid that dynamic, it’s vital for each person to be organized with their time and tasks each day.


If we all just gave up when we ran into a road block in this business, then it never would’ve got off the ground in the first place. Rather than throwing your hands up in the air, or simply shrugging and saying things like, “I can’t,” try to broaden your perspective to look for ways around the road block. 


Confidence is typically a work in progress for most people, and that’s okay! The thing is that in the hospitality world, you’re working with people all day every day. In order to do so more seamlessly, you must have confidence in your ability to fulfill your designated role. This is especially important for those in leadership positions (like our salaried Managers), as you are the point of contact for all guests and staff, alike. 

Proficient In Your Role

This might seem like a given. Like, duh, you have to be able to do your job at hand. But, it’s still worth mentioning, because sometimes people are REALLY GOOD at PARTS of their role, but then not so great at other parts- which makes them avoid these areas altogether. It’s vital that you are confident and capable to do your ENTIRE job role, otherwise accept that it might not be the best position for you. 


Above all else, we are a team. Even with hierarchies and role variations, we must work like a time in order to fully function. Given the deep respect we have for one another, we know the importance of coming together when times are stressful, rather than falling apart. If you know that you work better independently or in isolation, then this working environment would not be the best fit for you.

When all of these qualities are in place, we’re able to thrive both professionally and personally. 

We’re friends, family, and coworkers all at once. We like one another, and we love one another. It runs deep. Because of this, we have a relatively high tolerance for mistakes within your role (sending an incorrect invoice, misinforming a guest, etc). But a very low tolerance for attitude, disrespect, and dishonesty. 

We care about who you are as a person more than anything, because ultimately this is our home, and we want that to be filled with good intentions and heart forward people. 


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