What’s All The Hype About Our Giant Hammock In Nicaragua

Ocean front accomodation

Yes, it’s true. Our giant hammock deserves it’s own post, because that’s how beloved it truly is. We get asked all the time, “what gave you the idea to build this?!”

Giant Hammock

And the truth is that we’re just a bunch of kids in adult bodies who wanted something to play in. Also, we’ve seen similar structures all over Bali and Tulum, and wanted to create our own version….Nicaragua style!

Best Time of Day for the Giant Hammock in Nicaragua:

Okay, so we’re in Northern Nicaragua, which is a pretty dang HOT part of the country. Don’t get me wrong, we’re not complaining. We love the heat, and prefer it greatly to the cooler, windy south end of the country. 

That being said, we personally love it for sunset, as it’s a bit cooler. The same goes for sunrise, but the reality is usually we’re surfing at this time 🙂

However, guests go in the hammock at ALL hours of the day, even when it’s roasting hot out. Lots of chicas who come here love to work on their tan, and what better place to do it than in the hammock with the breeze of the ocean caressing you right to sleep. 

Star Gazing in the Giant Hammock in Nicaragua:

Now, the REAL reason we built the hammock wasn’t just for the killer views of sunset. Nor to have an Instgrammable set up. 

The real reason we built it was for the STARS. 

You haven’t seen stars until you’ve seen them in Northern Nicaragua, I swear. Because we’re so remote, there’s not a lot of light pollution at ALL, really. And in the dry season, when there’s not a cloud in site for weeks on end- the sky will blow your mind. 

Nicaragua Retreat Center

Funny story, we actually fell in love under the stars in Northern Nicaragua back in 2020, before the world shut down and everything came to a screeching halt. The night we fell in love, we were huddled up on the ground for HOURS, watching endless shooting stars do their thing up above. And, let’s be real, the ground (especially a concrete one) isn’t that comfy. 

We knew when we built our own place in Nicaragua, we wanted our guests to experience the stars in a more comfortable manner. 

And then, the giant hammock was born. 

Best Memories Born in the Giant Hammock:

Truly, most guests who come here say that their time spent in the giant hammock is their favorite. 

Whether it’s snuggling up with your bestie, or your partner. Or chatting with new friends from your retreat group. Maybe it’s drinking beers and watching sunset. Or maybe it’s a solo meditation alone. This is a place where people play games, they laugh, they cry, they sing (with wine and guitars), and they BOND- to themselves and one another. 

There’s something nearly indescribable that occurs once you’re up there, hovering over the Pacific Ocean with the leaves of the almond trees. You feel invincible, open, and carefree in a way that we all so desperately need in our modern day. 

It’s a place reset, reflect, and reconnect to the things that matter most. To the heart. 

We’d love for you to share your own stories from the giant hammock here in our humble abode in Northern Nicaragua. See you soon, amigos!

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