2. 2021 Christmas Feeding Program

How do we celebrate the holidays here at Still Salty Escape? By giving back to our community!

Each year we donate essentials like rice, beans, oil, and vegetables to nearby families in need around Christmas time to ensure they have access to nutritious foods over through the holiday season!

Most local families in our small village grow their own food as a way to sustain their families. Because the wet season in 2021 was extremely dry, many people’s crops suffered and/or died altogether.

Due to the lack of available jobs in our area, this meant that there were many families who wouldn’t be able to enjoy a full Christmas meal with their loved ones, as they were preserving food and money.

On Christmas Day the SSE team distributed over 800 lbs of food (dry rice, dry beans, and cooking oil) to 30 families in Manzano 2 and San Luis.

We hope to continue giving back to our community this way every year!

Want to help?


3. Ongoing Education Program


1. 2021 Spay & Neuter Program