What is Ayurveda?

What is Ayurveda?

Whether you're just beginning your wellness journey or seeking new opportunities to enhance your overall health, diving into the depths of Ayurvedic knowledge can be incredibly beneficial–and even transformative! But, what is it exactly?

Introducing Ayurveda - A Holistic Approach to Well-being

Welcome to the fascinating world of Ayurveda, a holistic approach to well-being that blends spiritual, physical, and emotional well-being into one harmonizing practice.

This ancient Indian philosophy has taken the wellness industry by storm, and it's no wonder! See, in Ayurveda; you are not just a body to be fixed, but a whole person that deserves to be balanced and fulfilled from head to toe. This means diving deep into your unique constitution or dosha, learning what foods nourish your body, and discovering the right form of movement for your energy levels.

Ayurveda is so much more than a passing trend – it is a timeless approach to life that can help you find true balance and well-being.

The Five Elements

At the core of Ayurvedic philosophy is the belief that everything in the universe, including the human body, is made up of five elements: air, water, fire, earth, and ether (or space). Each element is associated with certain energetic qualities, and these are used to determine a person's dosha or constitution.

The three doshas – Vata, Pitta, and Kapha – each represent a unique combination of the five elements. Your particular dosha type will affect everything from your temperament to your physical characteristics, and understanding your dosha type is key to finding the right balance for your body.

What is Ayurveda?

The Three Doshas

Everybody has a combination of all three doshas within them, although one typically dominates the others. Each dosha type has its own unique physical, emotional and mental characteristics that can be used to guide you on your quest for balance.


Vata is the key to unlocking the flow of movement within your body and spirit. It determines your flexibility, blood flow, and even the way you breathe.

If you're a Vata type, you thrive on creativity, quick action, and boundless potential. But if you become unbalanced, that same energy can manifest as anxiousness, dry skin, and digestive issues.


Pitta is the fiery energy that fuels digestion, hormones, and metabolism within the body.

With a dominant pitta type, you are a born leader, fiercely competitive, and focused on achieving your goals with confidence. However, when Pitta becomes imbalanced, you may find yourself prone to anger or excitement, quick to make hasty decisions, or engaging in self-destructive behaviour. This imbalance can also manifest in physical conditions such as inflammation, rashes, or digestive issues like irritable bowel syndrome.


Kapha is the element that holds us together - from our cells to our muscles, bones, and ligaments. It's the densest of the three doshas and is renowned for its strength and stability.

If you can relate to a dominant Kapha type, chances are you're comfortable with routine and like setting expectations that you stick to. You trust in relationships and are nurturing, loyal, and enjoy relying on others. When this dosha is out of balance, it can lead to excessive fatigue, weight gain, swelling of joints or tissue buildup, lack of motivation for new activities or hobbies and an inability to let go of hurtful memories.

What is Ayurveda?

Balancing the Doshas

Let's face it; sometimes we can't avoid the stresses of modern life, which can throw off our balance. That's why Ayurveda has a range of holistic remedies, from diet to herbs to natural remedies, to get you back in balance. So whether you're dealing with an overactive Vata, fiery Pitta or heavy Kapha, Ayurveda has something to help you! 

  • Diet: One of the most important principles of Ayurveda is that food is medicine. Diet plays a crucial role in maintaining balance in the doshas. Each dosha has specific dietary and lifestyle guidelines that are tailored to support its unique characteristics.

  • Lifestyle: The right lifestyle can make a huge impact on the health and well-being of an individual. Ayurveda recommends making small, subtle changes to your daily routine that will nourish both the body and mind.

  • Herbs and Natural Remedies: Ayurveda also utilizes a variety of herbs and natural remedies to support the body in achieving balance. These remedies can include herbal teas, oils, ointments, and tinctures.

What is Ayurveda?

Ayurveda for Yoga Teachers

Are you a yoga teacher craving spiritual expansion? Have you been yearning for a deeper understanding of the ancient practice of Ayurveda? Or are you just looking to deepen your knowledge of the three doshas and their effect on the body? Let me put you onto our Ayurveda for Yoga Teachers course! 

This self-paced online course will teach you everything you need to know about the fundamentals of Ayurveda and how you can use this knowledge to deepen your understanding of yoga. With our course, you'll learn how to:

  • Recognize the 3 doshas

  • Balance the doshas

  • Understand the Chakras

  • Plan your yoga classes

  • Use Ayurveda to plan your day

  • … and SO MUCH MORE!!

I cannot overemphasize what a valuable asset Ayurveda can be when it comes to cultivating balance in your life. This training is not just an investment as a yoga teacher but also for your individual health and well-being.

Ready to get started? Sign up for our Ayurveda for Yoga Teachers course today!


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